What’s the first rule of bike safety? Be seen. Especially at night.
Bike safety statistics indicate that nearly a third of cyclist fatalities occur between 6 pm and midnight, and that most night time bicycle-car accidents involve drivers who couldn’t see the bicycle from the side. Head lights and tail lights provide visibility from the front and back, but not from the sides. Reflectors help, but they only work when lights are shining directly on them.
That’s why you need BikeGlow, which is easy to see from any direction and clearly identifies you as a bicyclist. This easy-to-install bike safety light provides 360 degrees of biking visibility. The 10 foot waterproof glowing wire wraps around your bike’s frame and the controller makes it glow continuously or flash at two different speeds.
Bike racers who train in the wee hours of the morning report that car drivers give them more space on the road when they’re using BikeGlow. Moms love knowing their kids are visible from all directions when they’re biking at night as a family. College students like to get their glow on after late-night study sessions. And year-round bicycle commuters appreciate that BikeGlow’s bright light cuts through fog, rain, and darkness.
Of course, just because you’re good to glow doesn’t mean you can neglect other bike safety practices. ALWAYS:
- Wear a helmet, because accidents happen.
- Be predictable – Ride in a straight line, with traffic: no weaving in and out between parked cars.
- Be alert – Make eye contact with drivers, especially at intersections.
- Follow the rules of the road.